The five Lower Cape Chambers of Commerce invite you to attend a Joint Chamber Networking and Social gathering at Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club.
At the Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club, you will enjoy spectacular appetizers while you network at this ever-popular Local 5 Joint Business-to-Business
* event, allowing the maximum interface between hundreds of local businesses.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for you to expand your business market share with a minimum of effort or cost. Proceeds from this joint chamber event are used exclusively to promote the Lower Cape.
Complimentary Appetizers & Cash Bar
Door Prizes
Do not forget to bring your business cards!

Limited capacity. Please click the "Register Now!" button to register and R.S.V.P. by April 20th
Sponsored by the Lower Cape Chambers
Brewster – Chatham – Eastham – Harwich – Orleans
*As a reminder, given the size of the joint membership and the local fire codes, we must limit an equal number of members/attendees per chamber. Also, for the chambers to offer the maximum amount of opportunity for their members to attend, we ask that you prepay online or by check when you click the "Register Now!"